Please register for the seminar by 14 January 2024. A Zoom link will be shared with the participants upon registration. The participants will also receive a pre-task for the session after the registration deadline.
Key topics
The interplay between practice and research in education cannot be denied. Both can build on each other as we enquire into the meaning and purpose of practices such as classroom instruction, teacher training, parent-teacher meetings. Enquiry into the actions could lead to contestation and creation of existing and new knowledge paradigms. More importantly, the enquiry often aims to enable people to reflect and bring a shift in their practices in a real context. But what does conducting a participative action research entail?
In the seminar on action research, we will engage with two central questions:
- What is participative action research?
- How can participative action research be conducted?
We will hear best practices of participative action research from three researchers:
- Prof. Eustella P. Bhalalusesa (Department of Educational Foundations, Management and Life-long Learning, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
- Dr. Kati Keski-Mäenpää (University teacher, University of Jyväskylä, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, Finland)
- Dr. Fekede Tuli (Associate Professor of Teacher Education, Kotebe University of Education, Ethiopia)