
Broadening collaboration in teaching, learning & teacher education 

About GINTL China

GINTL China aims to strengthen the existing Sino-Finnish ‘Joint Learning Innovation Institute’ (JoLII) partnership with Beijing Normal University, initiated in 2016, and initiate new collaboration with higher education institutions in China. We build upon the expertise of our 14 Finnish higher education institutions and Chinese partner institutions to benefit the network and look for new and innovative initiatives.  

We welcome and support Finnish and Chinese higher education institutions to participate in GINTL China activities in the areas of teaching, learning and teacher education. We also serve as a platform for other organisations and individuals who are interested in research-based collaborations in the GINTL focus areas. 

GINTL China Coordination Team

Sai Väyrynen

Academic Director


Jenny Shuanghong Niu

Postdoctoral Researcher


Nico Stockmann

Research Assistant


Olli-Pekka Malinen

Regional Expert (China)


Maaria Manyando

Project Coordinator



Conference: “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for our Futures”

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

The “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures” conference will explore the future of the teaching profession and teachers’ work, and the crucial role that teachers have in shaping the critical, transversal skills that are necessary for our futures as outlined in the seminal report “Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education” by The UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education (2021). We aim to gather researchers, teacher educators, teachers, representatives of civil organizations, policy makers and all actors involved in building a sustainable society through education. The Conference will be held at the University of Helsinki, City Center Campus.

GINTL Dialogue: Reflect, vision, share

Africa, China, India, Global

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

At the end of 2024, the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) will be moving to a new era. Our current funding scheme comes to an end and new plans need to be developed. The network coordination would therefore like to call for a two-day Dialogue event to reflect on what has been learnt, to envision future collaboration, and to share examples of current and past work. Day 1 of the Dialogue is addressed to all stakeholders who have already participated in GINTL activities, while Day 2 is open for everyone interested in Global Education Development.

GINTL Research Seminar 2.0 – Emerging research in the global education landscape

Africa, China, India, GlobalRegistration required

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

Are you a master’s degree student with an ongoing or finished master’s thesis work? Is your thesis topic related to international education development, educational partnerships, or internationalisation? If yes, you are most welcome to present your research at the “GINTL Research Seminar 2.0 – Emerging research in global education landscape!” 

Lessons Learned: Thematic workshop 2

Africa, China, India, GlobalRegistration required

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

In 2024, the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) will be identifying and sharing a set of “lessons learned” from GINTL funding. This is the first workshop to work on the lessons learned outputs.

Collaboration in the region

Designing a joint master’s degree programme

Global education activity. Developing an master’s degree programme tailored for the Chinese customer’s needs, for example existing ELEIC (Early language education for intercultural communication) master’s degree which is offered by the Philosophical Faculty at the University of Eastern Finland, could be used as a frame or a starting point for the new programme.

Lecture series: ‘Competence-based teacher education in Finland’

The lecture series is organised by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki, the Faculty of Education of Northeast Normal University in China, and co-organised with Pedagogy Finland ry. The event aims to provide a communication channel for teachers and students on how to develop teacher competence to face challenges in teaching. Five excellent speakers, working in Finland, have been invited to the events, and the events attracted over 940 participants from 35 institutions in China and Finland. It has broadened their knowledge, understanding, and vision on teacher education.

Quality assurance in joint degree programmes between Finland and China

The project involves: 1) Developing a database of Sino-Finnish joint degree provision programmes, 2) Organising a conference on quality assurance in Sino-Finnish joint degree provision, 3) Publishing the quality assurance guidelines for Sino-Finnish degree provision, potentially in collaboration with the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) and the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (Karvi). The aim of the project is furhtermore to pilot the Sino-Finnish joint degree provision guidelines in collaboration with TAMK and its partner, Chinese Regional University and in an ongoing dual degree programme initiative between Tampere University and Tongji University.

Bilingual book series: Chinese & Finnish education in global societal transformation

Tampere University’s Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) will publish a bilingual publication on ‘Chinese & Finnish Education in Global Societal Transformation’. Researchers in both the GINTL and JoLII networks will be invited to contribute to the book chapters.


GINTL FAQ: Pursuing PhD in Educational Sciences in Finland

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL India Coordination

GINTL often receives inquiries regarding PhD studies in educational sciences in Finland. In this post, we have put together information on programme options, admission, study structure, and funding. The text is part of the GINTL FAQs series, where we respond to some questions that are frequently addressed to the GINTL network coordination. Kindly note the post is not updated on a regular basis. For most recent information, please refer to individual university websites and to

Reflections on the GINTL symposium at the 2023 FERA Conference: ‘Bridging education research, practice and global education development’ 

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Elizabeth Eta, Kinnari Pandya, Jenny Niu, Tea Kangasvieri, Richardine Poulton-Busler

This year, just like last year, Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) organised a symposium at the FERA conference centred around the theme ‘Bridging education research, practice and global education development’. In this blogpost, we present highlights from the symposium presentations, emphasise the significance of collaboration as core principle in closing the research-practice gap in education development, and present some key takeaways.

UniPID publication: Ethical guidelines for responsible academic partnerships with the Global South

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID)

UniPID, in collaboration with TENK and an international steering group, has published the Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Academic Partnerships with the Global South. Since 2021, the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID), the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK), and an international steering group have been developing Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Academic Partnerships with the Global South. Now, it is time to share it with you!


We are a network of dedicated scholars and practitioners, who work jointly with our partners to co-create research-based solutions for local needs.

Together, we can spark cycles of learning for better education. 

Coordinating University

GINTL Finnish higher education institutions