
Building Indo-Finnish collaboration in education development 

About GINTL India

GINTL India strives on building a diverse palette of activities around educational themes that are identified in collaboration with Indian partners. GINTL India aims at exploring partnerships with Indian higher education institutions and other education stakeholders, such as state government entities and non-profit organisations.

Currently, the GINTL India Network comprises 10 Finnish higher education institutions as interested participants. Each administers their own GINTL India budget and takes decisions on their own partnerships. Together, the 10 Finnish institutions came together in shared events and activities, coordinated by University of Jyväskylä. 
GINTL India network warmly welcomes inquiries from interested stakeholders in the Indian education scene. While some activities may be open especially for staff and students in Indian and Finnish higher education institutions, we also serve as a platform for inviting organisations and individuals who are interested in sharing ideas about research-based Indo-Finnish collaborations in the GINTL focus areas. 

Focus areas

  • Early childhood care and education
  • Educational leadership
  • Educational technology
  • Inclusive education
  • Integrated and phenomena-based learning
  • Integrating climate change awareness in education
  • Quality assessment framework
  • Quality teacher training
  • Vocational education and training  

GINTL India Coordination Team

Contact the coordination: gintlindia[at]

Veera Virmasalo

Project Manager


Apoorwa Hooda

University Teacher


Tea Kangasvieri

Network Coordinator


Deepti Bora

Project Coordinator[at]


Conference: “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for our Futures”

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

The “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures” conference will explore the future of the teaching profession and teachers’ work, and the crucial role that teachers have in shaping the critical, transversal skills that are necessary for our futures as outlined in the seminal report “Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education” by The UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education (2021). We aim to gather researchers, teacher educators, teachers, representatives of civil organizations, policy makers and all actors involved in building a sustainable society through education. The Conference will be held at the University of Helsinki, City Center Campus.

GINTL Dialogue: Reflect, vision, share

Africa, China, India, Global

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

At the end of 2024, the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) will be moving to a new era. Our current funding scheme comes to an end and new plans need to be developed. The network coordination would therefore like to call for a two-day Dialogue event to reflect on what has been learnt, to envision future collaboration, and to share examples of current and past work. Day 1 of the Dialogue is addressed to all stakeholders who have already participated in GINTL activities, while Day 2 is open for everyone interested in Global Education Development.

GINTL Research Seminar 2.0 – Emerging research in the global education landscape

Africa, China, India, GlobalRegistration required

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

Are you a master’s degree student with an ongoing or finished master’s thesis work? Is your thesis topic related to international education development, educational partnerships, or internationalisation? If yes, you are most welcome to present your research at the “GINTL Research Seminar 2.0 – Emerging research in global education landscape!” 

Bridging Perspectives: Equity and Inclusion in Indian Schooling

India, GlobalRegistration required

Main topic: Indo-Finnish Collaboration

Join us for a cross-cultural dialogue at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, as we delve into the intricacies of equity and inclusion in Indian schooling. Featuring panelists Ira Joshi, Nimrat Kaur, and Jitandra Sharma from Azim Premji Foundation (India) and moderated by Heidi Layne from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), this event offers global education professionals a unique opportunity to gain insights into the diverse educational landscape of India while examining the universal principles of equity and inclusion through an international and Finnish lens. Whether you're in person with us at the University of Jyväskylä or joining us online, let's explore pathways to more equitable and inclusive education systems together!


Preparing an agenda for education research in Kerala

Coordination Work, Environmental & Sustainability Education, Research, Research Proposal Development

This collaboration is based on University of Jyväskylä (JYU) having been invited, in 2023, to participate in a consortium initiated by three Indian organisations working in Kerala. The aim of the consortium is to develop an agenda for education research in Kerala, and to initiate some of the formative research on the agenda. The participation of JYU researchers is three-pronged. 1) Two JYU researchers are supporting the consortium in designing a quantitative study. 2) JYU is identifying presenters to appear in a seminar series organised by the consortium (The title of the series is Perspectives for Kerala’s School Education – Shaping A Future with Social Justice. It comprises three parts, namely the future of work and the future of education; climate change and sustainability, and; language, identity and culture and the role of formal education.) 3) JYU is also funding a separate project on climate change pedagogy. For more information, contact gintlindia [at]

Foundational literacy development using GraphoLearn and GraphoLearn-aligned phonics instruction: randomised control trial in India

Education & Society, Educational Technology, Research & Intervention

The aim of this research-based intervention is two-fold. First, to examine effective ways of building foundational English reading skills in multi-lingual learners by integrating computer-assisted learning and teacher instruction. Second, to examine role of existing literacy skill level in supporting literacy acquisition and cross-language relations between students’ Hindi and English literacy. Started in 2022, a randomised control trial (RCT) was first conducted in collaboration with the Department of Education (DoE), Delhi. GraphoLearn-aligned phonics instruction was collaboratively developed with the teachers in India and implemented along with GraphoLearn Rime, a research- and evidence-based computer-assisted reading tool in primary-level classrooms in India. Findings from this intervention can be accessed at In the next phase of the study (2024-2025), another RCT will be conducted in collaboration with the DoE and University of Delhi. The results will be published in 2026-27. For more information, contact bdeepti [at]

Support for Kerala school education reform

Educational Technology, Intervention

This collaboration started in 2022. It is based on a dialogue on how Finnish higher education institutions participating in GINTL may provide small-scale research support for the Kerala State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in the Kerala school education reform process. In 2024, Universities of Jyväskylä and Oulu are able to provide a small amount of researcher hours to support SCERT requests. The two universities, together with University of Helsinki and Aalto, will also be able to seek for experts to give presentations in online seminars organised by the SCERT and invite the SCERT to their relevant online events. Additionally, University of Jyväskylä and the Innokas network are collaborating with the SCERT to exchange experiences on technology education. Their plans include piloting a Kerala-developed technology education concept called The Little Kites in Finland. For more information, contact gintlindia [at]

Joint Working Committee with focus on school education in India and Finland

Early Childhood Education, Intervention, Online Exchange

This collaboration started in 2021. It is based on a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI). The partners have agreed to 1) share knowledge towards better understanding of their educational contexts 2) plan for mutually beneficial activities, and 3) exchange experiences and lessons learned in their joint activities. Pilot activities include joint webinar series on early childhood education and care (University of Jyväskylä and NCERT), and a joint proposal for a programme to develop digital skills for vocational teachers in India (Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and the vocational education arm of NCERT). Additionally, universities of Helsinki, Oulu and Aalto have participated in knowledge sharing in the annual committee meetings. For more information, contact gintlindia [at]


GINTL lessons learnt: stakeholders invited to contribute to finalisation

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL Coordination

In November 2024, we will publish the "GINTL Lessons Learnt," a series of concise documents aimed at informing future internationalisation efforts within Finnish higher education institutions, particularly in educational sciences and related fields. In this update, we summarise the input received during the GINTL Dialogue held in June 2024 and outline the upcoming schedule. We appreciate the valuable insights many stakeholders have already provided and encourage you to continue contributing, either during the ongoing drafting process or when the final drafts are circulated for review in October. Your continued input will help ensure that these lessons are comprehensive and reflective of our shared experiences.

Would you like the GINTL network to continue?

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL Coordination

At the end of 2024, the GINTL network will be moving to a new era as our current funding scheme comes to an end. Would you like to continue collaborating under the GINTL banner? University of Helsinki is currently discussing the possibility of continuing the coordination of GINTL. This text introduces their early thoughts. Please share yours!

Developing a research agenda for climate change education – ideas from Kerala


Published GINTL India coordination, University of Jyväskylä

Kerala, India’s southernmost state, is increasingly becoming more vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, a local civil society – academia coalition recently embarked on a process to develop a research agenda on climate and sustainability education and to contribute with ideas for climate change education. GINTL has been honoured to be a partner in this process. In this blog post, we share some of the key ideas by the coalition on how to go about setting an agenda for meaningful research on climate change education in Kerala.

GINTL FAQ: Pursuing PhD in Educational Sciences in Finland

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL India Coordination

GINTL often receives inquiries regarding PhD studies in educational sciences in Finland. In this post, we have put together information on programme options, admission, study structure, and funding. The text is part of the GINTL FAQs series, where we respond to some questions that are frequently addressed to the GINTL network coordination. Kindly note the post is not updated on a regular basis. For most recent information, please refer to individual university websites and to

Members of our network

We are a network of dedicated scholars and practitioners, who work jointly with our partners to co-create research-based solutions for local needs.

Together, we can spark cycles of learning for better education. 

Coordinating University

GINTL Finnish University Partners