Would you like the GINTL network to continue?


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At the end of 2024, the GINTL network will be moving to a new era as our current funding scheme comes to an end. Would you like to continue collaborating under the GINTL banner? University of Helsinki is currently discussing the possibility of continuing the coordination of GINTL. This text introduces their early thoughts. Please share yours!


The Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) was established in 2021 by 20 Finnish higher education institutions (HEIs). This was in response to a request by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. The ministry had earmarked a set of funds for this purpose in its core funding for Finnish HEIs in the contract period 2021–2024. At the same time, also seven other global networks in other academic fields were formed in a similar manner.

According to the law governing the HEI core funding, each HEI retained a full decision-making power over their GINTL funds. For this reason, there is no complete database over GINTL activities. However, both bilateral and multilateral collaborations have been implemented. In addition to these, the network coordination at universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä has organised activities, which have aimed to form a community and to advocate for HEI point of views in the Finnish fora, which discuss global education development.

In the contract period 2025–2028 between the Finnish ministry and the HEIs, there will be no earmarked funds for GINTL and other global networks. Instead, Finnish HEIs will have the freedom to decide how they would like to advance their internationalisation.

Experiences gained from coordinating GINTL, and from the GINTL Lessons Learnt process, suggest that there are perceived benefits in strengthening and widening collaboration in global education issues, yet there are concerns about resources and institutional commitment available for such collaboration.  

Early thoughts from the University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki is currently discussing the possibility of continuing the coordination of GINTL for some key activities. Below is a summary of their current thoughts on what this network might look like. The proposed is based on the experiences gained from coordinating GINTL, as well as the inputs received in the GINTL lessons learnt process.

GINTL beyond 2024 is based on academic partnership between Finnish HEIs and their partners for knowledge creation in global education development. It is the focal point for international academic collaboration in the field of education development.

Graphic of GINTL cycles, showing three interwoven cycles. 1) understanding and responding to educational challenges; 2) connecting people and resources for collaboration in research and teaching; 3) for locally relevant education policy and practice development

Image: GINTL activity cylcles

The GINTL network focuses in developing education – teaching, learning and teacher education. It shares a common goal and a means of working for mutually beneficial purpose.  

GINTL builds on collaboration and sharing between higher education institutions and individuals, and encourages multistakeholder engagement. It offers a structure and space for collaboration. 

Academic institutions may join the network by application, and defining their contribution; the activities of network are open for all interested. Other institutions and organisations involved in education may join as affiliates. 

Some key areas of activity: 

  • Educating experts for international education development in collaboration with international Master’s programmes in education 
  • Identification of opportunities for collaboration in research and teaching through building strategic partnerships across and within regions and countries 
  • Encouraging internationalisation within teaching, especially in the field of education (see Huusko & Nurkka, 2024, Kansainvälisyysosaamisen kehittäminen korkeakoulutuksessa)  
  • Dialogues with different stakeholders on global education development  
  • Presenting higher education perspectives in international education collaboration 
  • Sharing knowledge of and learnings from international collaboration and partnerships in education (see Huusko & Nurkka, 2024) 
  • Promoting global education development topics in Finnish higher education institutions 

What do you think? Please share!

As we plan the potential continuation of the GINTL network, we are eager to hear your thoughts and ideas. We invite staff from Finnish higher education institutions, as well as our partner institutions, to share their feedback.

To make it easy, we’ve created a short poll below that will take just five minutes of your time. Additionally, you’re welcome to send any comments or suggestions via email to Sai Väyrynen (Director, GINTL Africa and China Coordination, University, of Helsinki).

In October, we are planning to invite an online meeting with relevant decision-makers in the Finnish HEIs that have participated in the GINTL network. Details about the meeting will be shared closer to the date.

Please rank the options in the poll below or access the poll here.


Sai Väyrynen

Academic Director


Members of our network

We are a network of dedicated scholars and practitioners, who work jointly with our partners to co-create research-based solutions for local needs.

Together, we can spark cycles of learning for better education. 

Project coordinators

GINTL Finnish higher education institutions