
GINTL lessons learnt: stakeholders invited to contribute to finalisation

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL Coordination

In November 2024, we will publish the "GINTL Lessons Learnt," a series of concise documents aimed at informing future internationalisation efforts within Finnish higher education institutions, particularly in educational sciences and related fields. In this update, we summarise the input received during the GINTL Dialogue held in June 2024 and outline the upcoming schedule. We appreciate the valuable insights many stakeholders have already provided and encourage you to continue contributing, either during the ongoing drafting process or when the final drafts are circulated for review in October. Your continued input will help ensure that these lessons are comprehensive and reflective of our shared experiences.

Would you like the GINTL network to continue?

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL Coordination

At the end of 2024, the GINTL network will be moving to a new era as our current funding scheme comes to an end. Would you like to continue collaborating under the GINTL banner? University of Helsinki is currently discussing the possibility of continuing the coordination of GINTL. This text introduces their early thoughts. Please share yours!

GINTL Dialogue: Reflect, vision, share

Africa, China, India, Global

 | GINTL coordination at universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

At the end of 2024, the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) will be moving to a new era. Our current funding scheme comes to an end and new plans need to be developed. The network coordination would therefore like to call for a two-day Dialogue event to reflect on what has been learnt, to envision future collaboration, and to share examples of current and past work. Day 1 of the Dialogue is addressed to all stakeholders who have already participated in GINTL activities, while Day 2 is open for everyone interested in Global Education Development.

GINTL FAQ: Pursuing PhD in Educational Sciences in Finland

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL India Coordination

GINTL often receives inquiries regarding PhD studies in educational sciences in Finland. In this post, we have put together information on programme options, admission, study structure, and funding. The text is part of the GINTL FAQs series, where we respond to some questions that are frequently addressed to the GINTL network coordination. Kindly note the post is not updated on a regular basis. For most recent information, please refer to individual university websites and to

Lessons Learned: Thematic workshop 2

Africa, China, India, GlobalRegistration required

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

In 2024, the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) will be identifying and sharing a set of “lessons learned” from GINTL funding. This is the first workshop to work on the lessons learned outputs.

Lessons Learned: Thematic workshop 1

Africa, China, India, GlobalRegistration required

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

In 2024, the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) will be identifying and sharing a set of “lessons learned” from GINTL funding. This is the first workshop to work on the lessons learned outputs.

GINTL Research Seminar 2.0 – Emerging research in the global education landscape

Africa, China, India, GlobalRegistration required


Main topic: Conferences and workshops

Are you a master’s degree student with an ongoing or finished master’s thesis work? Is your thesis topic related to international education development, educational partnerships, or internationalisation? If yes, you are most welcome to present your research at the “GINTL Research Seminar 2.0 – Emerging research in global education landscape!” 

Seminar on participative action research: A practical and collaborative approach to addressing discourses in education

Africa, China, India, GlobalRegistration required

 | GINTL India

Main topic: Event series

GINTL India is organising a seminar on participative action research on 30 January 2024. The seminar is relevant for researchers, educators, and others who are interested in understanding the theoretical principles of the research method and gaining a hands-on experience on the same. Join us to hear the experts share their experiences of using the methodology in both Global North and Global South context. They will also be facilitating a workshop on conducting participative action research.

Lecture series: ‘Competence-based teacher education in Finland’

The lecture series is organised by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki, the Faculty of Education of Northeast Normal University in China, and co-organised with Pedagogy Finland ry. The event aims to provide a communication channel for teachers and students on how to develop teacher competence to face challenges in teaching. Five excellent speakers, working in Finland, have been invited to the events, and the events attracted over 940 participants from 35 institutions in China and Finland. It has broadened their knowledge, understanding, and vision on teacher education.

Quality assurance in joint degree programmes between Finland and China

The project involves: 1) Developing a database of Sino-Finnish joint degree provision programmes, 2) Organising a conference on quality assurance in Sino-Finnish joint degree provision, 3) Publishing the quality assurance guidelines for Sino-Finnish degree provision, potentially in collaboration with the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) and the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (Karvi). The aim of the project is furhtermore to pilot the Sino-Finnish joint degree provision guidelines in collaboration with TAMK and its partner, Chinese Regional University and in an ongoing dual degree programme initiative between Tampere University and Tongji University.

Bilingual book series: Chinese & Finnish education in global societal transformation

Tampere University’s Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) will publish a bilingual publication on ‘Chinese & Finnish Education in Global Societal Transformation’. Researchers in both the GINTL and JoLII networks will be invited to contribute to the book chapters.

Designing a joint master’s degree programme

Global education activity. Developing an master’s degree programme tailored for the Chinese customer’s needs, for example existing ELEIC (Early language education for intercultural communication) master’s degree which is offered by the Philosophical Faculty at the University of Eastern Finland, could be used as a frame or a starting point for the new programme.

Student Agency in Higher Education

The activity will focus on constructing research collaboration on the topic of student agency with the international partners from the Northeast Normal University (China) and Finnish partners from the University of Jyväskylä and JAMK University of Applied Sciences. This includes mobility, agreements, translation work, data collection and analyses.

Encountering local theories of cross-curricular course in the making – building partnership between Finland, Taiwan, and China to engage local schooling changes for sustainability

To enhance sustainable development, learning beyond traditional schooling is essential. Cross-curricular course allows students to connect personal experiences, real world, and school-lessons in learning. The curriculum model underlining learning beyond school has been adopted to many countries. Current implementations of cross-curricular model nevertheless show discords with established schooling arrangements. The basic idea of our initiative is that education for sustainable development requires alternatives of cross-curricular course which could be found through sharing experiences and practices of exemplar cases in different regions. Implementing the initiative will produce firstly selected cases to be analysed in Finland, China, and Taiwan (step 1), then data informing characteristics of selected cases (step 2), and methods of using data to engage local actors (step 3), followed by planning a collaborative project to work with local networks (step 4). The collaboration to sharing practices of cross-curricular course stimulate conscious changes toward quality education and sustainable development.

Student travel grants to the 2022 SDG4 Seminar at the University of Jyväskylä

Open call for institutional travel grants for GINTL-related activities

UH has a continuous call for travel grants to and from the three GINTL regions. Students, staff and their collaborators can submit applications related to GINTL activities requiring travel.

Finnish early childhood education webinars

This webinar series focused on the Unique Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) System - Pedagogy and Early Childhood Teacher Education as key elements ensuring the equitability and quality of ECEC. The main aim in the proposal is to establish effective and sustainable collaboration between Finnish Higher Education Institutes and partners in China, and to increase the possibilities for further cooperation and networking. This initiative intends to co-create research-based solutions to address global education challenges and to contribute the sustainable develop with quality education in early childhood education. This project involved three universities, two universities of applied sciences and 1 company in Finland, as well as three universities and one company in China. The speakers of five webinars were top-notch early childhood education researchers, and practitioners from Finland. These five webinars were organized in March - May 2022. It was implemented successfully with over 620 participants from several countries according to the plan in the project proposal. The webinars shared the best research, practices, and concrete pedagogical methods of early childhood education. We have received positive feedbacks from the participants. This project has strengthened the international collaborations among HEIs in Finland and China. It also has promoted Finnish Early childhood education, especially the equity, equality, teacher education, life-long learning, inclusiveness education, transversal competencies, etc. for Sustainable Education Goal 4. Future research and collaboration will be continued among the collaborated HEIs, and new HEIs are also welcomed to join. Please contact for further information regarding this project.

Innovative joint effort in combating school burnout in Finland & China

We have done several activities to reach our project aims. First, one important activity is we have organized a Sino-Finnish international seminar on school burnout on 27th May 2022. In this whole-day seminar, we have 8 keynote speakers from various institutes (U Helsinki, U Jyvaskyla, London School of Economics and Political Science, Peking U, Beijing Normal U, Central China Normal U, Schoolday Oy). The seminar attracted more than 300 registrations from researchers and teachers in the world. During the seminar, through presentation and panel discussion, we were trying to figure out an international innovative solution for burnout of students and teachers from a multi-disciplinary and international perspective. The seminar has also sparked lot of interests in Chinese media. See appendix for pictures. Second, through this project, we have managed to develop an online burnout survey for teachers and students in China. The survey has been distributed since the beginning of April 20227. So far, we have received more than 300 teachers’ responses. However, the students’ responses are low due to the Covid situation in China. This will serve as the research resources for the future steps. Third, we also build up a blogsite for the project to make the project more visible and to facilitate future communication and collaboration. The blog can be accessed here

Learning of transversal competencies in science teacher education in Finland and China

The aim of the initiative is to strengthen collaboration in research on future teacher education, with an emphasis on the teaching and learning of transversal competencies and the efficacy of educational reforms. The participating institutions include the University of Helsinki and University of Jyväskylä, Beijing Normal University (at Zhuhai), other Chinese universities such as South China Normal University and the University of Macau. Reforming education for the twenty-first century has become an essential topic globally. Teacher preparation and the development of knowledge and attitudes are pivotal factors in attaining the goals of these reforms. As part of this initiative, lectures on “teaching for the future” will be organized. A systematic inquiry as main part will be conducted to assess future science teachers’ knowledge and attitudes towards educational reforms for teaching and learning of transformal competences. The findings will be utilized to provide suggestions for the development of student teacher programs.

Knowledge of interculturality ‘otherwise’: Developing a research-based international partnership between universities in China, Finland, and Morocco

Knowledge of interculturality is often too ‘Euro- and western-centric’ in global scholarship and education, leaving little space for the Global South to speak in its own (negotiated) terms about the notion. Based on our former GINTL online exchange project between universities in China and Finland, this research-based international cooperation links up scholars and students from different parts of the world (China, Finland, and Morocco) to ‘expand the horizons of knowledge production’ about interculturality. A series of videos will be produced by world experts from the participating institutions about interculturality to help students unthink and rethink their knowledge of the topic in long-term virtual exchanges. This important project thus explores ways of rebalancing power imbalances between Global North and Global South voices in the production of knowledge about interculturality ‘otherwise’.

Teacher education for social justice in the post-pandemic era: Examples from China and Finland

Educational inequality has become a persistent and complex international issue nowadays. Discrepancies and gaps exist between economic, regional, gender, racial/ethnic, and language backgrounds regarding educational opportunities and outcomes. Teacher education with a stand on social justice and diversity prepares teachers and creates contexts to effect real change towards attaining a vision of a more just education and society. This project tries to explore how to prepare future teachers to contribute to reducing inequality in education. Three specific tasks are going to be addressed in this project: (1) conceptualising the broad problems of educational inequality and the role of teacher education in challenging these problems in the Finnish and Chinese contexts; (2) exploring the nature of “practice for equality,” especially focus on the training mode of the teacher education; (3) designing teacher education curricula and program structures that are equality-centered and characterising particular local histories and contexts.

A comparative study of Chinese and Finnish teacher educators’ quality requirements and professional standards

The lecture series “Competence based teacher education in Finland” is organized by the Faculty of Educational Science s of the University of Helsinki and the Faculty of Education of the Northeast Normal University in China , and co organized with the Pedagogy Finland ry. The aim of the event is to provide a communication channel for teachers and students on how to develop teacher competence to face the challenges in teaching. The event has invited five excellent teachers working at the Viikki Teacher Training School and the University of Helsinki to give a series of intensive speeches about their knowledge and experience in developing teachers’ competence in Finnish teacher education. The lecture series is publicized to teachers/teacher educators and students in China and Finland. The event has broadened the scope of participation of the audience from various institutions in China and Finland. We have had over 940 participants from 29 institutions in China and 6 institutions in Finland in the total four lectures. It has provided a good chance for teachers/teacher educators and students with various background s to exchange ideas and thoughts. The lecture series has broadened their knowledge, understanding, and vision with an inspiring global mindedness.The event has strengthened the relationship and collaboration between the University of Helsinki and the Northeast Normal University. Based on these experiences, we have started to plan other event s in the future to involve more universities.

Auditory neurocognition and learning – Implications for improved learning practices is one of several online news reporting the first result of our collaboration with BNU, China/Professor TAO. We're confident that our GINTL-based research outcome will also attract media attention in future in a similar manner.

Unthinking culture, language and interculturality: Together for a shared future

Reflections on the GINTL symposium at the 2023 FERA Conference: ‘Bridging education research, practice and global education development’ 

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Elizabeth Eta, Kinnari Pandya, Jenny Niu, Tea Kangasvieri, Richardine Poulton-Busler

This year, just like last year, Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) organised a symposium at the FERA conference centred around the theme ‘Bridging education research, practice and global education development’. In this blogpost, we present highlights from the symposium presentations, emphasise the significance of collaboration as core principle in closing the research-practice gap in education development, and present some key takeaways.

Conference: “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for our Futures”

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all

 | University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences | UNESCO Chairs Prof. Hannele Niemi & Prof. Arto Kallioniemi | UNITWIN UNESCO network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

The “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures” conference will explore the future of the teaching profession and teachers’ work, and the crucial role that teachers have in shaping the critical, transversal skills that are necessary for our futures as outlined in the seminal report “Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education” by The UNESCO International Commission on the Futures of Education (2021). We aim to gather researchers, teacher educators, teachers, representatives of civil organizations, policy makers and all actors involved in building a sustainable society through education. The Conference will be held at the University of Helsinki, City Center Campus.

UniPID publication: Ethical guidelines for responsible academic partnerships with the Global South

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID)

UniPID, in collaboration with TENK and an international steering group, has published the Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Academic Partnerships with the Global South. Since 2021, the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID), the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK), and an international steering group have been developing Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Academic Partnerships with the Global South. Now, it is time to share it with you!

Conference abstract submission: “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures”

Africa, China, India, Global

Published University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences has opened the abstract submission for its conference “Reimagining Teachers and Teacher Education for Our Futures” (18.6.-20.6.2024). Submissions are welcome for research papers / symposia / panel discussions / workshops / best practices submissions from researchers, teacher educators, teachers, representatives of civil organizations, policy makers and all actors involved in building a sustainable society through education.

Decisions on new GINTL seed funding applications at the University of Helsinki for 2023 have been made

Africa, China, India, Global

Published University of Helsinki

The decisions on applications for Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) collaboration seed funding in China, Eritrea, Hungary, Kenya, Somalia, and Taiwan for the application round in 2023 at the University of Helsinki have been made. The application was open to all faculties at the University of Helsinki. Four projects were awarded University of Helsinki GINTL funding from October 2023 to May 2024.

GINTL and EduCase traineeships at the University of Oulu (application deadline 9.10.2023)

Africa, China, India, Global


Are you looking for an opportunity to become an intern in international education partnership projects? Do you need to do studies that include internships or work-life studies? Are you looking for opportunities to advance your Master’s thesis? Explore paid internship opportunities in the Faculty of Education and Psychology for the academic year 2023-2024.

The University of Turku’s Hopeful Globe podcast: GINTL’s contributions

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Luna Erica;

In June 2023, the University of Turku released the first episodes of the Hopeful Globe podcast, which shares inspiring stories from projects that have received Global Pilot funding from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. The series, focused on the topic of higher education collaboration and the sustainability-driven initiatives that bloom therefrom, piloted with two episodes hosted by GINTL research assistant Luna Erica. Both episodes feature a speaker from a project that was allocated funding by GINTL.

GINTL Coffee Chat with the University of Lapland: Experiences from Global Media Education through Development of Online Teaching 

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all, Registration required

 | University of Lapland  | GINTL Coordination

Main topics: GINTL Coffee Chats, GINTL Network, Sustainable Partnerships, Teacher Education

The third GINTL Coffee Chat of year 2023 will be held on Tuesday 3.10.2023, 9:00-10:00 (EEST) and is co-sponsored by the University of Lapland. Guest Speaker Dr. Satu-Maarit Korte will share her experience on the UNESCO/UNITWIN network which concentrates on teacher education for social justice and diversity.

“Education for the Future”: Insights and experiences of the 2023 JoLII-GINTL Global Conference 

China, Global

Published Luna Erica, Olli-Pekka Malinen, Jenny Niu

On 15 and 16 August 2023, GINTL China’s largest-scale event of the year, the JoLII-GINTL Global Conference, took place at the University of Helsinki. With the number of participants edging on 150, the annual event achieved an attendee turn-up larger than it has ever done before in Finland. In this article, conference organisers Shuanghong Jenny Niu, Olli-Pekka Malinen, and Luna Erica reflect on the conference and its key takeaways.

Sino-Finnish higher networking events in China for Finnish higher education institutions

ChinaRegistration required

 | Embassy of Finland in China

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

The GINTL China coordination will be participating in two networking events in Shanghai and Beijing 24th and 26th of October 2023, organised by the Embassy of Finland in China. Interested Finnish HEIs can find more information about the events and the registration in this article.

Project insights: Teacher education for equality and equity in China


Published Saara Loukola

In June 2023, Saara Loukola visited China with the help of a GINTL travel grant from the University of Helsinki in order to visit two universities, a high school, and a daycare center for her research as well as to participate in two workshops on teacher training and teaching more generally. In this blog post, Loukola summarises her experiences and takeaways from the trip.

Keynote speakers

China, Global

The 2023 JoLII GINTL Global Conference will be “Education for the Future” features six keynotes by speakers Prof. Dr. Shijian Chen (Southwest University, China), Dr. Lauri Palsa (National Audiovisual Institute Kavi, Finland), Prof. Dr. Pigga Keskitalo (University of Lapland and University of Helsinki, Finland), Dr. Yuchi Zhao (UNESCO INRULED, Beijing Normal University, China), Dr. Baocun Liu (Beijing Normal University, China), and Dr. Crystal Green (HundrED, and University of Helsinki, Finland)

Internationationality in transition: What’s in it for GINTL?

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Hanna Posti-Ahokas (GINTL)

GINTL participated in the annual Spring Forum for Higher Education Institutions to share and learn about current discussions around internationalisation. The coordination teams from University of Helsinki and University of Jyväskylä wish to share a few key takeaways for the future work of GINTL.

University of Jyväskylä GINTL Funding Call 2023 open

Africa, China, India, Global

Published University of Jyväskylä

JYU staff, doctoral researchers and postdoctoral researchers in collaboration with the permanent academic staff of the university are eligible to apply for JYU GINTL Funding. GINTL India is coordinated at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (JYU), but applications from all faculties are welcome. The deadline for the applications is 31.7.2023.


China, Global

Call for abstracts & paper submission

China, Global

The submission of abstracts for the conference has been closed and the selected presenters have been notified. We thank all authors for their submissions! In addition to the submission for presentations during the conference, please note the open call for submissions for the “Journal of Frontiers in Education” below.

Conference programme

China, Global

GINTL at the Spring Forum for Higher Education Institutions (Kv-kevätpäivät) 2023

Africa, China, India, Global

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

GINTL Africa, China, and India will be present as well as hosting several formats at the Spring Forum for HEIs’ international issues! The Spring Forum 2023 will be held at Aalto University, Otaniemi campus on 3.-5.5.2023. Here you can find more information about the sessions that GINTL is part of.

GINTL Coffee Chat with Tampere University: “Building sustainable Indo-Finnish relationships in the context of education, research, and innovation development”

Africa, China, India, Global

 | Tampere University | GINTL Coordination

Main topics: GINTL Coffee Chats, GINTL Network

Welcome to the second GINTL Coffee Chat of 2023 with guest speaker Mikko Ruohonen from the Tampere University. This session will focus on topics related to Mikko's presentation, “Building sustainable Indo-Finnish relationships in the context of education, research and innovation development”. Join us for an online conversation and opportunities to share about your current work!

Workshops: Teacher education for equality and equity in the post-pandemic era

ChinaOpen for all, Registration required

 | GINTL-research project “Teacher education for social justice in thepost-pandemic era: Examples from China and Finland”

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

Educational inequality is a global issue that has been exacerbated by the pandemic. To address this, teacher education with a focus on equity and social justice is crucial. Join us for two workshops exploring the Chinese and Finnish contexts in relation to this issue. We will discuss program structures, policies, and practices that promote equality and equity, as well as recruitment and admission strategies, as well as curriculum design. The workshops are open for online and in person participation. Submissions can be sent until 30.4.2023.

Policies and practices of inclusive education in Finland and China



Main topics: JoLII, Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Children with disabilities are often overlooked in policymaking, denying them the chance to equality in daily life - whether that be financially, socially, or politically. Inclusive education strives to bridge that gap and to equip the estimated 240 million children with disabilities worldwide with the same access to education that any other child would have. With the help of two experts in the field, the 12th webinar of the GINTL-JoLII webinar series "Dialogues on Education and Society" invites the audience to reconsider education as they know it and to imagine how much more inclusive that education could still be.

Reforms on higher education admissions in China and Finland



Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

While university admission decisions impact the educational experiences and labor market outcomes for millions of students each year, the best method to determine admissions has been vigorously debated by academics and policymakers across the globe. In this webinar we will take a closer look at the recent reforms of HE admissions in Finland and China, comparing their implications for potential students and HE systems. We invite you to the 11th webinar of the series “Dialogues on education and society”!

Call for abstracts: Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLII) Global Conference “Education for the Future” (closed)



The JoLII-GINTL Global Conference 2023 will be hosted by the University of Helsinki on 15-16 August 2023. The topic of the conference is “Education for the Future”. The Conference is planned as an onsite event in Helsinki, Finland. Presenters from China, Finland as well as from other parts of the world are welcome to submit their work through this call for abstracts. The submission deadline is 30 April 2023.

Opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence for higher education pedagogy

ChinaOpen for all


Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the 10th webinar of the series “Dialogues on education and society”! Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise higher education. However, its implementation also poses significant challenges, such as ethical concerns, privacy issues, and the need for faculty and staff training. In this webinar, we will explore the opportunities and challenges of using AI in higher education, and discuss best practices for integrating AI into teaching, learning and research.

Call for abstracts: GINTL Research seminar “International education development and internationalisation in education” (closed)

Africa, China, India, Global


Are you a master’s degree student with an ongoing or finished thesis work? Is your thesis topic related to international education development, educational partnerships, or internationalisation? If yes, you are most welcome to present your research at the GINTL Research seminar! The seminar takes place 27 April 2023 in Jyväskylä and online. It is organised for master’s degree students and other interested people, affiliated with one of the GINTL member institutions. Submit your abstract by 10 March 2023.

GINTL Research seminar “International education development and internationalisation in education”

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all, Registration required


Are you interested in topics such as international education development, educational partnerships or internationalisation? We warmly welcome you to join us for a hybrid seminar where master's degree students present their research work. The seminar takes place 27 April 2023 in Jyväskylä and online. It is organised for master’s degree students and other interested people, from the GINTL member institutions and beyond. Register as a participant by 19 April.

GINTL Coffee Chat with the University of the Arts Helsinki: “Impact of GINTL research projects on teaching and learning”

Africa, China, India, Global

 | Uniarts GINTL | GINTL Coordination

Main topics: GINTL Coffee Chats, GINTL Network

Welcome to the first GINTL Coffee Chat for 2023 with guest speakers Heli Kauppila and Marika Orenius from the University of the Arts Helsinki. The session will focus on the on the topic of the transfer of (GINTL) research project knowledge and learnings into teaching, learning, and university development. Join us for an online conversation and opportunities to share about your current work.

JoLII-GINTL Global Conference 2023: “Education for the Future”

China, GlobalOpen for all

 | GINTL | JoLII | University of Helsinki

Main topic: Conferences and workshops

Save the date for the JoLII-GINTL Global Conference 2023, 15-16 August 2023! We are looking forward to welcoming you to the onsite event in Helsinki, Finland, with as this year’s conference topic: “Education for the Future”. Presenters from China and Finland as well as from other parts of the world are welcome to submit their work. The main organiser of the conference is the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL), a network formed by Finnish higher education institutions in collaboration with partners from India, China, and Africa. GINTL aims to co-create research-based solutions to global educational challenges and collaborate in research and education on a global scale.

Student experiences from the 2022 SDG 4 Seminar “From Education for Emergencies to Emergence of Education”

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Afsheen Ahmed, Beñat Etxeberria Illarregi, Iina Hyyppä

Five takeaways about global education: Key-learnings from attending the SDG-4 Seminar Jyväskylä in 2022

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Jorina Sendel

How do you feel reading the news, nowadays? Do you sometimes also feel like a catastrophe is following the others? Have you ever thought about the influences of these catastrophes on global education? We live in a time of crisis. This has an impact not only on our personal lives, but also on education systems around the world. Catastrophes like the COVID-19 crisis, wars, and natural catastrophes are affecting formal education.

GINTL’s thematic session at the 2022 JoLII Conference


Published Olli-Pekka Malinen and Jenny Shuanghong Niu

At this year’s Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLII) Conference, GINTL had the pleasure of hosting a thematic session by the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL)’s China coordination, on the topic of ‘Sino-Finnish collaboration in teaching, learning and teacher education’. This session was built up of three presentations, each from a different GINTL-funded initiative, with afterwards a panel discussion by the presenters as well as additional discussants. The session was chaired by Dr. Olli-Pekka Malinen from the GINTL China Coordination at the University of Helsinki.

Finnish Asia Network publication: “Finnish online education cooperation with Asian higher education institutions: recommendations for future projects”

China, India

Published Ville Sava

The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to rearrange educational programmes in unexpected ways. In order to gauge how Finnish education cooperation projects with Asian partner institutions have met the challenges and identified good practices, a survey was conducted by the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies as part of the Digitree project funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education. This report summarises management and cooperation practices that have worked well, as well as issues that could be improved upon for the benefit of future projects.

Cultural traditions and modern education: Experiences in China

ChinaOpen for all


Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the ninth event of the webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”, co-organised by the GINTL and the Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLII). In the webinar, the speakers Jyrki Kallio (Finnish Institute of International Affairs, FIIA) and Xiaoyang Wang (Capital Normal University) will share how certain aspects of education were understood in the ancient Confucian texts and tradition. In addition, they will reflect how those understandings are connected to present-day expressions concerning the purpose of education in China. The speakers and chair Baocun Liu (Beijing Normal University) will also reflect what the modern higher education could learn and adopt from the Confucian tradition.

Phenomenon-based learning in the eyes of Chinese and Finnish educationalists

ChinaOpen for all


Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the eighth event of the webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”, co-organised by the GINTL and the Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLII). The webinar will feature Prof. Kirsti Lonka from the University of Helsinki and Prof. Mingquan Yang from Beijing Normal University as the speakers, and Sari Muhonen from the University of Helsinki Teacher Training School as the commentator.

Education and Sustainable Development Goals: Policies in China and Finland 

ChinaOpen for all


Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the seventh event of the webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”, co-organised by the Global Innovation Network of Teaching and Learning (GINTL) and the Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii).

Decisions on new GINTL funding applications at the University of Helsinki have been made (2022 funding round)

Africa, China, India, Global


The decisions on applications for Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) collaboration funding in Africa, China and India for the application round in spring/summer 2022 at the University of Helsinki have been made. This included the finding calls for 1) GINTL seed funding 2022-2023, and 2) GINTL project funding 2022-2024.

Nordic Centre funding for academic events

Africa, China, India, Global


The Nordic Centre offers support (€ 2,000-7,000) for organising joint events. The events can be organised in an online or hybrid form. This funding can be a great additional resource for GINTL’s seed and project funding projects that plan to organise events as part of their initiative. Find out more on the Nordic Centre’s website.

Nordic Centre seed funding for new initiatives between Nordic and Chinese institutions (closed)



The Nordic Centre currently has open Seed Funding call for new initiatives between Nordic and Chinese institutions. Among Finnish GINTL HEIs this funding would be available for the Universities of Eastern Finland, Lapland, Helsinki, Tampere, and Turku, which are Nordic Centre members. Application period: 15.3.-1.10.2022.

Call for papers: GINTL symposium at FERA conference (closed)

Africa, China, India, Global


GINTL is hosting a symposium on ‘Global partnerships in education development’ at this year’s FERA conference at the University of Oulu on 24.-25.11. Please submit your abstracts for the symposium by 30.9.2022.

Models and organisation of teacher professional development in the Finnish and Chinese education system

ChinaOpen for all

 | GINTL | Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLII)

Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the sixth event of the webinar series ‘Dialogues on education and society’, co-organised by the Global Innovation Network of Teaching and Learning (GINTL) and the Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii).

GINTL-JoLII webinar series ‘Dialogues on education and society’



The GINTL-JoLII Webinar Series ‘Dialogues on Education and Society’ engages leading experts in dialogues on Chinese and Finnish education and society with comparative broader European and global perspective. The dialogues are in various formats, and they are targeted to researchers, policymakers, education practitioners, and administrators.

GINTL Coffee Chats

Africa, China, India, Global


The GINTL coordination and our member higher education networks regularly host the GINTL Coffee Chat format to provide space for topical deep dives and a space for network-wide exchange. Learn more about the format as well as our past and future sessions here.

Sino-Finnish JoLii Global conference 2022: ‘Future perspectives of teacher development’

ChinaOpen for all

 | Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii)

Main topics: Conferences and workshops, JoLII

The Sino-Finnish JoLii Global conference 2022 is planned to be held on 28–29 November 2022. The host university is South-West University in China. Please find the call for abstracts proposal from attached file. The conference will focus on future perspectives of teacher development. The topics include new pedagogic approaches on teacher development in the digital world, teacher development, and learning community.

Future perspectives of teacher development – Call for papers for Sino-Finnish JoLii Global conference 2022

China, Global

Published Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii)

The Sino-Finnish JoLii Global conference 2022 is planned to be held on 28–29 November, 2022. The host university is South-West University in China. The conference will focus on future perspectives of teacher development. The topics include new pedagogic approach es on teacher development in the digital world, teacher development, and learning community. Come and share your work and interest for the future of education, especially for teacher development! The deadline for abstract submission is 18 September 2022.

GINTL Coffee Chat with the University of Turku: “International collaboration in the post COVID-19 era – implications for future adaptation”

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all

 | University of Turku | GINTL

Main topics: GINTL Coffee Chats, GINTL Network

Welcome to the August GINTL Coffee Chat with guest speaker Prof. Marjaana Veermans from the University of Turku on the topic of “International collaboration in the post COVID-19 era – implications for future adaptation”. Join us for an online conversation and opportunities to share about your current work.

Worklife relevance of secondary vocational education in China and Finland

ChinaOpen for all

 | GINTL | Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii)

Main topics: Vocational training, Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the fifth event of the webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”, co-organised by the Global Innovation Network of Teaching and Learning (GINTL) and the Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii).

University of Jyväskylä Internal Call 2022 for GINTL funding (closed)

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL

Applications are welcome from JYU staff at the Faculty of Education and Psychology as well as from doctoral researchers and postdoctoral researchers affiliated with the faculty, in collaboration with permanent academic staff of the faculty. The deadline for applications is 12 September 2022.

Call for papers: GINTL Early Childhood Teacher Education Conference 2022

China, Global

Published GINTL | University of Turku | OHOSKE network

The GINTL Early Childhood Teacher Education Conference 2022 will be held online on 15 November 2022 with the topic ‘Trends and perspectives in early childhood teacher education’. The call for papers is open between 15 June and 15 September, 2022.

GINTL Early Childhood Teacher Education Conference 2022: ‘Trends and perspectives in early childhood teacher education’

China, GlobalOpen for all

 | GINTL | University of Turku | OHOSKE network

Main topics: Conferences and workshops, Teacher Education

The conference focuses on early childhood teacher education and especially the development of teaching practice. It will feature informative research-based presentations by skilled educational researchers and international scholars. Among the keynote speakers are Professor Xiumin Hong from Beijing Normal University, Professor Ruben Fukkink from Amsterdam University. The call for papers is open from the 15 June to the 15 September, 2022.

GINTL-funded projects: Finnish early childhood education and care webinar series

China, Global

Published Jenny Niu (GINTL)

This webinar series focused on the unique Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC) system – pedagogy and early childhood teacher education as key elements ensuring the equitability and quality of ECEC. The project involved three universities, two universities of applied sciences and one company in Finland, as well as three universities and one company in China.

Sino-Finnish Education Forum 2022 seminar on school burnout

ChinaOpen for all

 | School Burnout in Finland & China Project (University of Helsinki)

Main topics: Conferences and workshops, GINTL Seed Funding Projects

School burnout has become a global challenge for students, teachers, and parents. This phenomenon is particularly a concern in the contexts of Finland and China. Join the Sino-Finnish international seminar on school burnout. This online seminar will be 27 May Friday from 10:00–16:00 (EEST). The participation is free but registration is required.

University of Helsinki call for proposals open for collaboration in Africa, China, and India (closed)

Africa, China, India, Global

Published GINTL

The call is open for academic and teaching staff, PhD and post-doc researchers, and students. The main applicant must be affiliated with the University of Helsinki. The call has been closed. Applicants will be informed shortly.

Metropolia webinar on information security in relation to China cooperations

ChinaOpen for all

 | Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Main topics: Research Ethics, Sustainable Partnerships

Metropolia welcomes you to join a webinar for information security experts and specialists in international affairs from higher education institutions, on the topic of possible information security issues related to China cooperation, especially in research cooperation or while travelling to China. No registration is required.

Higher education cooperation between China and Finland: Opportunities and challenges

ChinaOpen for all

 | GINTL | Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii)

Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the fourth event co-organised by the Global Innovation Network of Teaching and Learning (GINTL) and Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii).

Recommendations for academic cooperation with China – English translation


Published GINTL

The official English language translation of the Ministry of Education and Culture Recommendations for Academic Cooperation with China has been published.

Regional universities transformation in China – What can be learned from the Finnish UAS reform?

ChinaOpen for all

Main topic: Webinar series “Dialogues on education and society”

Welcome to the third webinar co-organized by the Global Innovation Network of Teaching and Learning (GINTL) and Sino-Finnish Education Research Centre (SFERC) of Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLii) on "Chinese regional universities transformation in China – What can be learned from the Finnish UAS reform?"

Understanding responsible & sustainable partnerships in education: Insights from GINTL’s public launch

Africa, China, India, Global

Published Apoorwa Hooda, Elizabeth Eta

Universities worldwide are increasingly promoting measures for internationalisation, increasing opportunities for students and faculty members to collaborate, travel, exchange and co-create knowledge with their international counterparts. As internationalisation becomes the norm, there is also a need for universities to step back and reflect on the purpose and value of promoting these international partnerships. Internationalization strategies of most universities in Finland emphasize “ethical”, “responsible” and “sustainable” global partnerships, but what do the terms really mean in practice for higher education institutions?

Technology Used for Children’s Learning

ChinaOpen for all

Main topics: GINTL Network, Teacher Education

Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care series, Webinar #5, with Professor Heikki Lyytinen, Professor Hannele Niemi, and Dr. Jenny Niu.

LUMA Center STEM Education in Early Childhood Education

ChinaOpen for all

Main topics: GINTL Network, Teacher Education

Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care series, Webinar #4, with Prof. Maija Aksela, Reija Pesonen, and Dr. Jenni Vartiainen

Integrative Arts & Music Pedagogy Promoting Children’s Wellbeing, Development and Learning

ChinaOpen for all

Main topics: GINTL Network, Teacher Education

Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care series, Webinar #3, with Prof. Mari Tervaniemi and Prof. Inkeri Ruokonen.

Reimagining the Future of Education – GINTL-JoLII Webinar Series “Dialogues on Education and Society”


Main topic: Sustainable Partnerships

The speakers with share their perspectives to the future of education as it is laid out in the UNESCO’s 2021 report “Reimagining Our Futures Together”. They will also engage in a facilitated dialogue. The webinar features speakers Prof. Teng Jun (Institute of International and Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University), Dr. and Academy Researcher Johanna Kallo, Faculty of Education, University of Turku), and Dr. Crystal Green (Head of Research, HundrED organisation).

Training opportunity: Responsible global academic partnerships

Africa, China, India, Global


UniPID and the Finnish higher education institutions’ global networks are hosting a training on good practices for responsible global academic partnerships during May 2022.

GINTL Coffee Chat with HAMK: “Reflecting on the Effectiveness of Networking: Lessons Learned From the Noste Program (2004–2007)”

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all


Main topics: GINTL Coffee Chats, GINTL Network, Sustainable Partnerships

Join us for the April GINTL Coffee Chat on “Reflecting on the Effectiveness of Networking: Lessons Learned From the Noste Program (2004–2007)” with guest speaker Dean Seija Mahlamäki-Kultanen on 5 April at 9:00–10:00 (EET).

Nico Stockmann

Africa, China


Jenny Shuanghong Niu



Olli-Pekka Malinen



Maaria Manyando

Africa, China


Sai Väyrynen

Africa, China


GINTL Coffee Chat with the University of Oulu: “Strategies for reciprocity in dialogue.” 

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all

 | University of Oulu | GINTL

Main topic: GINTL Coffee Chats

The Global Innovation Network on Teaching and Learning (GINTL) and the University of Oulu invite you to the next Coffee Chat on Tuesday, 8 February 2022 with guest speaker professor Elina Lehtomäki, University of Oulu, on the topic of “Strategies for reciprocity in dialogue.”  The event will take place from 9-10 EET. A 15-minute presentation will be followed by breakout rooms by GINTL regions: Africa, China and India.

GINTL Coffee Chat with The University of Jyväskylä : “Creating Sustainable Partnerships”

Africa, China, India, GlobalOpen for all

 | University of Jyväskylä,  | GINTL

Main topics: GINTL Coffee Chats, Sustainable Partnerships

Join us for an online conversation on partnerships & opportunities to share about your current research. On the 30th of November we will be discussing the topic "Creating Sustainable Partnerships" with guest speaker Tiina Kontinen from The university of Jyväskylä.

Members of our network

We are a network of dedicated scholars and practitioners, who work jointly with our partners to co-create research-based solutions for local needs.

Together, we can spark cycles of learning for better education. 

Project coordinators

GINTL Finnish higher education institutions